Friday, May 22, 2009

Don't Leave Me Here, Patrick!

I love living downtown. I have the weirdest experiences. This morning I was awoken at 1:30 by some shouting outside. I pulled myself out of a daze quickly enough to poke my head out the window and see what was going on. My eyes came into near-focus as a young woman pulled herself up from the sitting position on the sidewalk. From what my blurry eyes could make out she was pulling her pants up and trying to run. At first I thought maybe I had barely missed seeing this girl getting raped. But as she ran into a parking lot she screamed, "Patrick!! Don't leave me here!" And she was weeping dramatically. "Patrick!!!" She screamed in complete distress. I didn't see Patrick anywhere near by. "Come back!"

Then she started running up the street in her flip flops. "Patrick!" She pulled her cell phone out and I could see from the glowing screen that she was making a phone call or sending a text, mostly likely to Patrick because he had left her there. "Boo hoo hoo" she cried. Then she was gone. I layed back down baffled by what I had just witnessed. Suddenly I heard her coming back. "Hello?" she said, answering a phone call. "Patrick! Come back. Don't leave me here." She resumed weeping melodramatically. Running in the opposite direction her frantic screams for Patrick faded into the night air.

I hope she found Patrick.

1 comment:

jill said...

hehehe that is an excellent story Adrian...I mean Jon. :) Aren't people downtown fantastic to make us realize our lives aren't as strange as we think they are?